viernes, 24 de agosto de 2007

fotografia del consumo

Chris Jordan makes beautiful photographs he hopes will disgust you. His work, on display through July 31 at the Von Lintel Gallery in New York City, takes reports of large-scale waste and consumption out of the realm of statistics and places them squarely in front of our faces.

Chris Jordan is a Seattle-based photographic artist who portrays the detritus of our mass culture—piles of cell phones, aluminum cans, garbage, and the like. His work is exhibited widely in the U.S. and Europe, and has been featured in print media, blogs, documentary films, and radio and television programs worldwide. Chris is also a father, husband, gardener, vegetarian, sometime jazz musician, and has an obsessive fascination with the sound of large Chinese gongs.
via The morning news con un interesante espacio Gallery

Chirs Jordan en un fotógrafo asentado en Seattle que hace interesante retratos y fotografías de la cultura de masas y de consumo, sus fotografías reflejan la gran escala del consumo y nos lo muestran cara a cara. Móviles, latas de refrescos, bolsas de plástico, cigarrillos...

Interesante el efecto textura de las fotografías.

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